Italians speak a lot so communication is a valuable trait. Not only is communicating valuable, but having confidence when doing so is important. Those who live in Italy practice formal politeness both verbally and non-verbally.
Greetings and Introductions:
- Greet colleagues by saying "Cioa a tutti" or Ciao come stai"
- Say goodbye by saying "Buongiorno a tutti" or "Ciao, stammi bene, civediamo all prossima"
- Give stern eye contact to show respect
- Knock before entering an office and always close the door behind you
- Give women a kiss on the check and men a shoulder slap
- Introduce the most senior members first, followed by women, and then any other members in your party.
- Use hand gestures to show your point or feelings
- Placing your hand on your stomach means dislike for another person
- Give eye contact during the entire conversation
- Link arms with others, as it is common to have closer conversations in Italy
- Learn few phrases of the Italian language to follow the etiquette rules of Italy
Business Meetings:
- Greetings are enthusiastic
- Address people using "Signor or Signora", followed by the last name when conducting the meeting
- Use a more informal "tu" form when familiar with each other
- Break the ice by initiating small talk and proceed to get into talking business
- Expect the meeting to be a time to share ideas and thoughts, rather than pursuing any drastic decisions at the time
- Distribute all documents in both English and Italian
- Schedule appointments at least 2 weeks in advance
- Reconfirm future meetings
- Follow through with any verbal commitments
Choosing to enter the country without knowing the rules of the etiquette may cause you to have an unpleasant and rude demeanor to others. I hope that my post brings successful interactions for the future!
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